Pack 11's
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Parents Role
Trinity Church
Special Events
Den Meetings

Cub Scout Pack 11
(Seymour, Connecticut)
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The Pack Meeting is where awards are presented. It is an important part of theoverall program, as it allows the boys to receive their recognition in front of the group as awhole, inspires the younger scouts to strive towards achieving future ranks, and bringseverybody together for the big night! Please observe the followings guidelines in regards toPack meetings.

* Please accompany your son to his Pack meeting. Pack meetings are a family event -brothers, sisters, grandparents, but most of all, YOU! We require parents to be there notonly to help keep order at the meeting (things can get a bit rowdy), but also because inScouting many awards are presented to the parent who then presents it to the Scout.Cub Scouts is a family program and siblings are encouraged to attend. 

* Please arrive to Pack meetings on time. Plan on arriving 15 minutes early. If your son ishelping out as a member of a flag ceremony, or assisting with other Pack meetingactivities, it is imperative to have him there on time. Thank you. 

* If your son has a uniform, the Pack meeting is definitely the place to wear it. Uniform -Shirts tucked in - looking sharp!

* Most of all, we hope to make Pack meetings entertaining, enriching, and FUN!!!

Den Roles

Each den has a month where they are responsible for setting up the tables in the church fellowship hall and taking them down. Also during that month the den will perform the flag ceremony. If we have special events in that month the den will assist with planning, refreshments, setup, and take down for each event.  DO YOUR BEST to attend Pack meetings especially if your Den is Hosting. Host Den should be in Field uniform.(aka class A)


Den pack Schedule

Den Pack Schedule  
• September      • AOL Webelos
• October.         • Webelos
• November      • Bears
• December      • Wolves
• January.         • Tigers & Lions
• February.       • AOL Webelos
• March.           • Webelos
• April               • Bears
• May                • Wolves
• June               • Tigers & Lions