| Arrow of Light - Worn by adults who earned the Arrow of Light as a youth member. |
 | Eagle Scout - Worn by adults who earned the rank of Eagle Scout as a youth member. |
 | Explorer Gold Award - Also Explorer Achievement Award |
 | Venturing Silver Award - Worn byAdults and Youth who earned the Venturing Silver Award |
 | Quartermaster - Sea Scout/Explorer Award for Youth and Adults |
 | Medal of Merit - Awarded by the National Council for heroism with little or no risk to life. |
 | Heroism Award - Awarded by the National Council for heroism with less risk to life. |
 | Honor Medal - Awarded by the National Council to those who risk their lives to save another. |
 | Tiger Cub Den Leader Award - One year of tenure and other requirements. |
 | Den Leader Award - One year of tenure and other requirements. |
 | Webelos Den Leader - One year of tenure and other requirements. |
 | Cubmaster Award - Two years tenure and other requirements. |
 | Pack Trainer Award - Two years tenure and other requirements. |
 | Cub Scouter Award - Two years tenure and other requirements. |
 | Scouter's Training Award - Basic Training and other requirements. |
 | Scouter's Key - Three years tenure and other requirements - Commissioners, Scoutmasters, Venturing Advisors, and others. See detailed description. |
 | Unit Leader's Award of Merit - Earned by Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Varsity Team Coaches, and Venturing Crew Advisors meeting the requirements on form 512-003. This award replaces the Scoutmaster, Varsity Coach, and Venturing Advisor's Awards of Merit, which will no longer be awarded. |
 | Sea Badge - Earned by completing Sea Badge Leader Training |
 | Distinguished Commissioner Service Award - Five years tenure and other requirements. |
 | Professional Scouter Training Award - worn by professional Scouters who have earned the award. |
 | Doctor of Commissioner's Science - completion of a program leading to the award of the Doctorate of Commissioner Science from a College of Commissioner Science. |
 | Philmont Training Center Master's Knot - attendance at Philmont Training Center (PTC) as a participant at least twice, and other requirements. |
 | Alumni Award Knot - Activities by BSA alumni that promote Scouting. |
 | George Meany Award - Presented to labor union members who have been unusually effective in giving leadership to youth. |
 | Whitney Young Jr. Award - Presented for promoting Scouting in the poorest areas of the country. |
 | Premio por Servicio ¡Scouting…Vale la Pena! Service Award - to recognize outstanding services by an adult individual or an organization for demonstrated involvement in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for Hispanic American/Latino youth. reconocer los servicios destacados de una persona u organización por el compromiso demostrado en el desarrollo y la implementación de oportunidades Scouting para la juventud hispanoamericana y latina. |
 | Asian American Spirit of Scouting Service Award - to recognize outstanding services by an adult individual or an organization for demonstrated involvement in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for Asian American youth. |
 | Community Organization Awards - Presented by various chartered partner organizations for service to Scouting. - requirements vary by organization. |
 | Order of the Arrow Distinguished Service Award - The National Order of the Arrow committee presents the Distinguished Service Award to those Arrowmen who have rendered outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, area, regional, or national basis. |
 | William T. Hornaday Award - Recognizes Scouts, Explorers and Scouters for conservation and ecology efforts in their communities. |
 | William H. Spurgeon III Award - Presented to Scouters rendering distinguished service to Exploring |
 | District Award of Merit - Presented to Scouters at the District level for unusual dedication and service. |
 | Venturing Leadership Award - Presented to Venturers and adults who have made exceptional contributions to Venturing and who exemplify the Venturing Code. |
 | Silver Beaver - Presented to Scouters at the Council level for unusual dedication and service. |
 | Silver Antelope - Presented to Scouters at the Regional level for unusual dedication and service. |
 | Silver Buffalo - Presented to Scouters at the National level for unusual dedication and service. |
 | Silver World - Presented to Scouters who have supported Scouting on a worldwide basis. |
 | International Scouter - Recognizes Scouters for their contributions to world Scouting. - Awarded by the International Division of BSA |
 | Youth Religious Emblem - Worn by youth and adult members who received a religious emblem as a youth member. |
 | Adult Religious Award - Worn by adults who received religious awards as an adult. |
 | James West Fellowship Award - Worn by those honored for their personal donation of a minimum of $1000 to a local Council Endowment Fund, or honored by others with such a donation |
 | William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer Award - Worn by those honored for starting a new unit. |
 | BSA Speaker Bank - Presented to registered speakers who conduct a minimum of 20 speeches and provide feedback. |