The Theodore Roosevelt Council has adopted a Whistleblower policy to comply with provisions of the New York State Revitalization Act of 2013.
WhistleBlower Policy
The Executive Board of the Theodore Roosevelt Council, Inc. of the Boy Scouts of America (the "Council") has adopted the following policies and procedures for: (i) the receipt, retention, and treatment of reports made to the Council in accordance with this policy and (ii) the confidential, reporting by members of the Executive Board officers, employees, or volunteers of the Council regarding any action or suspected action that is illegal, fraudulent, or in violation of any adopted policy rule, regulation, procedure or provision of the by-laws of the Council or of the Boy Scouts of America (a "violation")
All members of the Executive Board, officers, employees, or volunteers of the Council are encouraged to report any action or suspected action that is illegal, fraudulent, or in violation of any adopted policy, rule, regulation, procedure or provision of the by-laws of the Council or of the Boy Scouts of America. All reports shall contain as much detail and specific information concerning any action or suspected action including the nature of the action, names, dates and times as possible.
Reports to the Council in accordance with this policy shall be made in writing to the General Counsel of the Theodore Roosevelt Council, at the address below,
General Counsel or by email to:
Theodore Roosevelt Council,
Boy Scouts of America
544 Broadway,
Massapequa, N.Y. 11758
The Executive Board may from time to time, designate an alternate or different administrator of this policy. In that case notice will be provided as below.
If the General Counsel, or other designated administrator of this policy, is the subject of the report, the report may be made to the Scout Executive.
All reports will be investigated promptly, thoroughly and in as confidential manner as possible. At the conclusion of the investigation, remedial and or disciplinary actions will be taken, if the reported violation is substantiated.
Acting in Good Faith
Anyone making a report of any action or suspected action that is illegal, fraudulent or in violation of any adopted policy rule, regulation, procedure or provision of the by-laws of the Council or of the Boy Scouts of America must be acting in Good Faith and have reasonable grounds for believing the action or suspected action constitutes a violation.
Any report that proves to have been made maliciously or knowing to be false will be viewed as a serious disciplinary offense.
The Council will treat all communications under this policy in as confidential a manner as possible, except to the extent necessary (1) to conduct a complete and fair investigation, or (2) for reviews of the report of violation by, attorneys retained by Council, accountants, and/or the National Council.
No member of the Executive Board officers, employees, or volunteers of the Council who in good faith reports a suspected violation pursuant to this policy, even if the report is mistaken, or who assists in it's investigation shall suffer intimidation, harassment, discrimination, other retaliation, or in the case of employees adverse employment consequences. Retaliation in any form against these individuals will not be tolerated. Any act of retaliation should be reported immediately and will be dealt with appropriately.
The Council will maintain a log of all reports of suspected violations, tracking their receipt, investigation, and resolution, and shall prepare a periodic summary report thereof for the Executive Committee. Copies of reports of suspected violations and such log will be maintained in accordance with the Council's document retention policy.
Distribution of Policy
A copy of this policy will be distributed to all members of the Executive Board, officers, employees, and to all volunteers who provide substantial services.