Pack 1040's
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Pack 1040 Welcome!

Cub Scout Pack 1040
(Bowie, Maryland)
ScoutLander Contact Our Pack Member Login

Welcome to Pack 1040!!!

This information is designed for families new to Scouting or new to Pack 1040.  We hope this sheet answers some of the questions you may have.
Please feel free to contact any volunteer for more information.

How we are organized
Our Pack 1040 is organized by Dens:
Lion Cubs Kindergarten
Tiger Cubs 1st Grade
Wolf Cubs 2nd Grade
Bear Cubs 3rd Grade
Webelos 4th Grade
Arrow of Light          5th Grade

Den meetings are typically held weekly or twice a month, generally in the early evening.  Exact meeting times are chosen by each den to suit their individual needs.    It is at these meetings that scouts work towards earning their Lion/Tiger/Wolf/Bear/Webelos advancement patch.  Your scout’s book will outline the achievements needed to earn that badge.  A parent is often expected to attend with their scout.

Pack meetings are held once a month and are attended by all the Dens. Generally, the Pack meetings are held at Rockledge Elementary School on the 4th Monday of every month.  Pack meetings allow the boys to share what they have learned, receive awards and recognition, and participate in fun activities such as den cheers, songs, and skits.  A parent is expected to attend with their scout.  Packs don’t formally meet in the summer, but there are summer activities planned, such as scout camps and sports outings.  Dens may or may not choose to meet during the summer months.

The Pack charges a nominal fee of $110 per year.  This money is used for purchasing badges and other items to "Help the Pack Go!".

In order to provide all the awards Scouts earn, we must fundraise for our Pack.  The sale of popcorn in the fall is our one and only fundraiser for Pack 1040.  Each family is required to help with fundraising.  More details regarding the fundraising requirements will be given out in the fall.

Our leadership consists of 100% adult volunteers dedicated to your boys; most of which are mothers and fathers.  Come Volunteer!

Pack 1040, Bowie, MD
Cubmaster: Edrrick Neric, (301) 728-9031